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consultation of cdp questionnaire

what is cdp

carbondisclosure project (cdp) is an international, not-for-profit organizationworking with 767institutional investors holding us$92 trillion in assets to help reveal therisk in the investment portfolios. on behalf of these investors, cdp sendquestionnaires to large companies around the world annually, including chinatop 100 companies. investors’ decisions are influenced by the corporateresponses. cdp holds the largest collection of self-reported climate change,water and forest-risk data in the world. these data are used to help companiesin making business investment and core management strategy.


why report cdp

1. competitive advantage links tocdp reporting, there is a strong correlation between financial performance andclimate change report.

2. cdp reporting can bring morebusiness opportunities, clients tend to choose companies with good records whentracing them.

3. cdp reporting enhances carbon managementalong the supply chain, improves energy efficiencies, reduces emissions andsaves costs.

4. having a higher rank in cdpreport, the enterprise can have a better corporate reputation and brand image.

why choose greenstone

1. professional consulting teamwith abundant experience in cdp report.

2. customer-demand oriented.

3.  established strategicpartnership with a lot of international consulting corporations, which are ableto offer comprehensive technical support.


our services

1. analyzing and helping tounderstand cdp questionnaireassisting theenterprise to complete cdp questionnaire

2. ghg inventory

3. analyzing risks andopportunities of climate change

4. carbon management strategy,targets and initiatives

5. supply chain management


your benefits

1. excellent answers of cdpquestionnaire, gains of investors’ inclination to the company

2. accurate ghg emissioninventory, reliable reference to corporate decision making

3. improving the capability towithstand climate change risks

4. enhancing the capability ofcorporate carbon management, ghg reduction and monetary profit

5. sustainable supply chainmanagement, strengthen competitiveness and business capability

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